Feeling scattered and overwhelmed?
It’s time to reconnect with these simple tools
Have you ever had mornings when you feel scattered, or overwhelmed and you realized you put oregano in your coffee, instead of nutmeg? Yep I’ve done it twice. Honestly, after a good laugh, it didn’t taste that bad.
Or, those times when your morning deodorant just seemed to slip your mind? You can’t find your keys anywhere and of course you’re running late (and forgot to brush your teeth!), feeling clumsy, scatter brained, moody, or just “kinda out of it?”
When we feel scattered and overwhelmed we can exhaust ourselves before our day even gets going.
Feeling “off” happens to all of us, but especially when we…
Loose sleep, or aren’t sleeping as deeply as we could.
Are dealing with life transitions (ie: The death of a loved one, divorce, separation, change of job or career, health concerns, etc.) which of course, can bring up deep feelings of loss, sadness, overwhelm, fear and stress.
When our health is not quite up to snuff.
When we over give to others and under-give to ourselves.
How are you moving through your life?
A question I’m always asking my clients (and myself) is how are they moving through their daily life?
Do you know where your energy is focused most of the time?
Are you being pushed and pulled by others?
Do you push yourself through everything you do?
Are you able to give yourself permission to be fully present?
Do you allow space to realign your needs?
So many times it’s difficult to be honest with ourselves about how we’re actually feeling. Feeling scattered and overwhelmed can feel scary. It can make us feel out of control.
Many times people feel if they’re really honest with how they feel, it will make it real, and if it’s real, they won’t be able to hande it.
Clarity is energizing.
If this sounds like you right now, a wonderful thing to keep in mind is the more honest we are about where we’re directing our energy, the more empowered we actually are.
A 3-min. routine to help you refocus, reconnect and energize your mind and body.
One of the best things we can do when we’re disconnected, is to re-connect.
This simple breathing tool will help bring you fully into the present moment, and at the same time begin to calm your heart rate and nervous system. And it’s a fast way to ground scattered energy.
*If you’re driving keep your eyes OPEN 😊
Begin by inhaling through your nose and allow your belly to expand. Then exhale as long as you can through your mouth. Practice 5 breaths.
Now it’s time to gently energize…
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart (make sure you have a clear space around you in all directions).
INHALE as your arms swing up in front of you and then EXHALE as you softly swing them down and back, gently bending your knees. Allow yourself to be as fluid and gentle in your movement as possible. Practice 5 times.
*Of course, if you have any pain (or injuries) don’t do these movements. Always check with your primary care physician. Taking good care of yourself is number one.
It’s never too late — If you’re struggling
If you’re struggling right now with feeling overwelmed and scattered, the most important thing to remember is that our energy can always be re-aligned. There’s always a path to reconnect our energy. Get support because you don’t have to do it alone. It’s never too late. Not to mention it’s really a great time saver when we stop leaving our keys in the freezer.